Thursday, December 07, 2006

Back In The Blogosphere

Well, we have hooked up our wireless internet connection... and I'm loving it!! (as much as I can love anything related to megabytes and pixels and kps:)

My first thought is to share a quote from Robert Murray M'Cheyne, thanks to our latest Sunday School teacher, Clint Humfrey. Here is a thought from M'Cheyne...

The greatest need of my people (for all us moms, children) is my personal holiness.

M'Cheyne was talking about his personal relation to his parishioners... and yet it is so poignant of the high calling all of us face as teachers of someone.

For this week-end, instead of a coffee cup verse (set to come on Monday morning:), I'm suggesting we mull over the need for our own personal holiness and pursue this with all our hearts. Might I suggest some time beseeching our God, who has ordained our sanctification from before time. Wow!!


Kim said...

Glad you're back, Marlene!

Abbey said...

Hey Marlene, glad to see you back. I'm looking forward to the coffee cup verse on Monday. :)