Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blogging Carefully

Randy Alcorn wrote a commentary on the controversies surrounding "End of the Spear" (definitely worth reading if you've heard any of the latest Chad Allen disputes). After reading the challenging post about this latest movie release, I am committing myself to blogging more carefully. The last half of Alcorn's article deals with the dangers of gossip and missinformation in the church, and extends this to the blogosphere.

May we all chose our words carefully, since "there is almost no gap between composition and publication," as Alcorn notes. Matthew 12:36 affirms the need to "blog carefully", "And I (Jesus) say to you, every carelesss word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgement."


Kim said...

I agree with you. I read the article, too.

Homemanager said...

I also agree. Thank you for the pointer to Randy Alcorn's article. I will take a look at it.